Природен парк Рилски манастир Directorate of Rila Monastery Nature Park

THE PARK / Training Center

Training Center

National Center for professional training of Specialists and Managers in protected areas in Bulgaria

Info panels on the entrance of the Visitor centre of the Nature parkThe idea for building a Visitor Information Center on the property of the Rila Monastery Natural Park has received its final form after the Administration of Rila Monastery Forestry Enterprise moved its offices to the town of Rila giving the Directorate of Rila Monastery Natural Park a piece of land. The building is a solid structure, constructed in year 1956 with a built-up area of 152 square meters.

The major objective was to develop a modern, easily accessible information center in the area of Pchelino (the bee garden) in order to provide space for permanent and thematic exhibitions, interactive exhibits in environmental practices and preservation of biodiversity, informal training programs to learn about nature and gain skills for protecting the environment, about the activities of the Natural Park, as well as internships in ecology. Here you can see our exhibition, learn more about the park's biodiversity, as well as receive comprehensive information from our specialists about our hiking trails.

Only here you will be able to hire and use our electronic guide - Cruso. Developed specifically for walks in nature and is applicable to any kind of tourism.

Based on "The Global Positioning System (GPS)  this device is with integrated digital map and an electronic compass.
In combination with carefully prepared audio and visual information, each tourist or biker will have the opportunity to try something new.
Cruso always shows you where you are and can you explain what you see. Through an intuitive menu navigation and touch screen, the unit is easy to use by all.

Services: Organization of  workshops and training; Providing lectors and trainers; Organize coffee breaks; Accommodation; Information materials


  • of minerals in Nature Park  "Rila Monastery"
  • Peatland and specific vegetation;
  • and endemic plants– victims of the tourists;
  • Water says
  • recognition of the things that water brings
  • Endemical and relict species of animal– our guests from the past;
  • The forest is in good hands

  • Forest –what is this?

  • of alpine areas; walking tours : 


    Vasil Yanev – Manager of the Center

    phone: 0878862846

    Nature Park Directorate ”Rila Monastery”

    2630  Rila

    Str.”Benkovski” №2,


    [email protected]

    www. parkrilski-manastir.com